понедельник, 24 августа 2015 г.

Where to live in Tomsk?

Imagine that you have decided to study in Tomsk. Where are you going to live in this town? Here I want to tell you about some variants.

1) With a Russian family

If you have some relative in Tomsk or if you find a family, which will agree to host you, you will have a great opportunity to taste Russia. Literally. Russian family is a good way to try Russian cuisine. Borshch, shchi, plov… You will certainly know, what all these mysterious words mean. In addition, you will learn all about the peculiarities of ordinary life in Russia, meet ordinary Russians, and will be able to talk to them and know everything about Russia from the people, who live here.

Foreign students of TSU live in the new dormitory called “The Sail”. There are rooms for two or three students, each room has its own bathroom, and there’s one big kitchen for one floor. Life in the dormitory is good for the ones who enjoy hanging out with other students, visiting different places, which young people love, and feel all the peculiarities of student’s life. As for me, it’s the best way to live in Tomsk. I live in a dormitory too. But it’s not as good as the one for foreign students.

Big rooms, breakfasts, free Wi-Fi, all the modern conditions you can imagine. But it’s too expensive to be a permanent variant. The TSU Hotel is like a very comfortable dormitory, and no-one wants to pay a lot for living in the same room with two other people.

4) Your own rented flat

If you don’t like sharing room with someone else, you can rent a flat to live there on your own. I think, it’s extremely expensive (at least 8,000 rubles a month). In addition, you can get pass all the things you can experience while communication with Russian students or family. Also, it may be lonely to live in another country without anyone by your side.

Anyway, it’s your choice, where to live. You can choose one of these opportunities or find your own way. The most important is the town you’re going to visit, and the university you’re going to study in.